Swim Lessons at Hall Memorial Pool and Splash Pad

Address: 4 N Border Rd, Stoneham, MA 02180

Phone: (781) 481-9092 (in season)

Email: [email protected]

Let your little swimmer make a splash with lessons and camps led by licensed and trained instructors

Swim Lessons

Group Lessons:

JUNE- June 19th through 23rd
JULY- July 5th through 28th
AUGUST- August 2nd through 25th

June Lessons  Monday 6/19-Friday 6/23 Times: 1-1:30pm | 2-2:30pm | 3-3:30pm
Intermediate Lesson (45 min) : 12:45-1:30pm
Cost: $50 for 5 Lesson Pack

July & August Lessons  Wednesday and Friday Mornings  
Times: 9-9:30am | 9:45-10:15am | 10:30-11am
Intermediate Lesson (45 min) : 10:15-11a
Cost: $72 for 8 Lesson Pack 

Private Lessons:

Tuesday 3 pm to 6 pm
Wednesday 11:30 am to 6 pm
Thursday 10 am to 6 pm
Friday 11:30 am to 6 pm

Cost: 4 lessons for $140 / 8 lessons for $275

Available Saturdays and Sundays prior to public opening.

Scheduled per swimmer’s availability

Swim Camp:

June 19th through 23rd
9 am to 12 pm

For ages 5 through 8 years old

Cost: $25

Swim Safety Camp is FULL FOR ALL AGES.

2023 Season Information

Splash Pad

Hours of Operation:

Open Sunday- Saturday EXCEPT TUESDAYS*

Tuesdays*- Closed 9am-3pm (Open 3pm-6pm)
Members : 9 am to 6 pm (except Tuesdays*)
Public: 10 am to 6 pm (except Tuesdays*)

Opens: Saturday, June 24th
Closes: Sunday, September 3rd

Hall Pool

Hours of Operation:

Members: 10 am to 6 pm
Public: 11 am to 6 pm

Opens: Saturday, June 24th
Closes: Sunday, August 27th