MELROSE, MA – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Stoneham & Wakefield is excited to announce its new
partnership with the City of Melrose to launch the “Melrose Summer of Wellness” Program this July and
The program will have two main components, a wellness-centered recreational program for families
running at the Roosevelt School in Melrose, and a free healthy meal distribution program at the Melrose
Highlands Station on Franklin Street.
For healthy summer activities, local families are invited to join the City of Melrose and the Boys & Girls
Clubs for free outdoor programs for a wide range of ages. The program will include activities promoting
physical health, mental health, and overall wellness. Activities will be held at the Roosevelt School (253
Vinton St, Melrose) from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. on weekdays from July 11 through August 12, 2022.
“We’re grateful to the Boys & Girls Club for their partnership and leadership in promoting the health and
wellness of our youth,” said Paul Brodeur, Mayor of Melrose. “As we began to come out of the
pandemic, it was clear there was a need to further support the mental and physical health, and overall
well-being, of the youth in our community. We want to thank the Boys & Girls Clubs for joining our
commitment to meeting these needs and look forward to partnering with the organization in the
In addition to the wellness activity program, the Clubs will also be partnering with the City of Melrose to
distribute free healthy meals every weekday during lunchtime hours (11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) at the
Melrose Highlands Station. Club staff will be distributing meals on behalf of a USDA sponsored food
program and all ages are welcome to participate. There is no identification required to participate in the
meals program.
“Our Clubs are thrilled to partner with the City of Melrose & Mayor Brodeur, who designated 2022 as
the year of community health and wellness in Melrose,” said Adam Rodgers, Chief Executive Officer for
the Boys & Girls Clubs of Stoneham and Wakefield. “It’s important to our Club mission that we help
provide these very valuable wellness programs and resources locally. Together with the Mayor’s office,
we are committed to delivering access to healthy free meals and wellness programming throughout
2022.” For questions about the summer program, email [email protected].
Below are the meal and activity schedules for the first two weeks of the program beginning on Monday, July 11th.

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